
10 03, 2023

Proof-of-Concept released for critical Microsoft Word RCE bug

By | 2023-03-14T21:07:33+05:30 March 10th, 2023|Compromised, Evilproxy, Internet Security, Microsoft, Security Advisory, Security Update, Tips, vulnerability|

A PoC exploit for CVE-2023-21716, a critical RCE vulnerability in Microsoft Word that can be [...]

9 03, 2023

Dangerous emotet botnet resumes email activity

By | 2023-03-09T02:51:20+05:30 March 9th, 2023|BOTNET, Compromised, Data Breach, Evilproxy, Exploitation, Internet Security, Security Advisory, Security Update|

Successful compromises by the notorious Emotet malware are occurring again. After several months of inactivity, [...]

14 02, 2023

7 Types of Social Engineering Attacks Targeting You

By | 2023-02-15T21:54:20+05:30 February 14th, 2023|BOTNET, Compromised, Data Breach, Evilproxy, Exploitation, malicious cyber actors, Malicious extension, Malware, phishing, Security Advisory, Security Update|

Social engineering has been an observable phenomenon since the beginning of history. People with something [...]

31 01, 2023

Attacks Targeting Realtek SDK Vulnerability Ramping Up

By | 2023-02-03T17:55:06+05:30 January 31st, 2023|Compromised, Data Breach, Evilproxy, Exploitation, Internet Security, IOC's, malicious cyber actors, Malicious extension, Malware|

Palo Alto Networks warns of an increase in cyberattacks targeting CVE-2021-35394, a remote code execution [...]

30 01, 2023

Yandex Code Repositories Leaked Allegedly by Former Employee

By | 2023-02-07T21:16:12+05:30 January 30th, 2023|BOTNET, Data Breach, Evilproxy, Exploitation, Forensic Investigation, Internet Security, IOC's, malicious cyber actors, Security Advisory, Security Update|

The threat actor has dumped a whopping 44.7 GB worth of Yandex data, including its [...]

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