
7 07, 2023

Microsoft Teams: The TeamsPhisher tool exploits its bug

By | 2023-07-07T07:16:41+05:30 July 7th, 2023|Compromised, Exploitation, Internet Security, malicious cyber actors, Microsoft, Mobile Security, phishing, Security Advisory, Security Update|

The "TeamsPhisher" cybersecurity tool provides a means for both pen testers and malicious actors to [...]

20 06, 2023

The rise of phishing scams and how to avoid them.

By | 2023-06-30T01:02:19+05:30 June 20th, 2023|Compromised, Email servers, Internet Security, malicious cyber actors, Mobile Security, phishing, Security Advisory, Security Update|

Cybersecurity scams continue to be on the rise. As scammers get smarter, it’s important to [...]

17 05, 2023

CopperStealer Malware Crew Resurfaces with New Rootkit and Phishing Kit Modules

By | 2023-05-18T04:27:28+05:30 May 17th, 2023|BOTNET, Evilproxy, Exploitation, Internet Security, malicious cyber actors, Malicious extension, Malware, phishing, Security Advisory, Security Update|

The threat actors behind the CopperStealer malware re-emerged in March and April 2023 with two [...]

2 05, 2023

Global Malverposting Campaign Infecting Over 500,000 Devices

By | 2023-05-05T01:55:36+05:30 May 2nd, 2023|BOTNET, Compromised, cyberattack, Darknet, Exploitation, hackers, Internet Security, IOC's, malicious cyber actors, Malicious extension, Malware, phishing|

A recent ‘malverposting’ campaign linked to a Vietnamese threat actor has been ongoing for months and [...]

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