Linux Malware

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6 03, 2024

WogRAT Malware Leverages Notepad Service to Target Windows & Linux Systems

By | 2024-03-07T21:59:08+05:30 March 6th, 2024|BOTNET, Compromised, Exploitation, Internet Security, Linux Malware, malicious cyber actors, Malware, Mobile Security, Security Advisory, Security Update, windows|

Malware leverages the Notepad service to target systems like Windows and Linux, exploiting the ubiquity [...]

1 03, 2024

New Bifrost malware for Linux mimics VMware domain for evasion

By | 2024-03-26T06:22:10+05:30 March 1st, 2024|BOTNET, Compromised, Exploitation, Linux Malware, malicious cyber actors, Malware, Regulation, Security Advisory, Security Update, Tips, VMware|

A new Linux variant of Bifrost, called Bifrose, was detected employing a clever evasion tactic [...]

15 02, 2024

Shim Bootloader Vulnerability Detected in Linux Systems

By | 2024-02-21T23:44:26+05:30 February 15th, 2024|BOTNET, Exploitation, Linux Malware, Malware, Security Advisory, Security Update, Tips, vulnerability|

Security researchers have uncovered a critical vulnerability in Shim, a commonly used Linux bootloader. This [...]

5 01, 2024

3 Malicious PyPI Packages Target Linux with Crypto Miners

By | 2024-01-11T11:29:53+05:30 January 5th, 2024|BOTNET, Compromised, Exploitation, Linux Malware, malicious cyber actors, Malware, Security Advisory, Security Update|

Fortinet researchers identified three malicious packages in the PyPI repository—modularseven, driftme, and catme. These packages, [...]

6 10, 2023

Exploits released for Linux flaw giving root on major distros

By | 2023-10-10T22:24:28+05:30 October 6th, 2023|BOTNET, Compromised, cyberattack, Evilproxy, Exploitation, Internet Security, IOC's, Linux Malware, malicious cyber actors, Malware, Security Advisory, Security Update, vulnerability|

Online, proof-of-concept exploits have emerged for a critical vulnerability in GNU C Library's dynamic loader, [...]

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