New Prestige Ransomware Targeting Polish and Ukrainian Organizations

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New Prestige Ransomware Targeting Polish and Ukrainian Organizations

The Prestige ransomware first appeared in the threat landscape on October 11 in attacks occurring within an hour of each other across all victims.

A notable feature of this campaign is that it is uncommon to observe threat actors attempting to deploy ransomware into the networks of Ukrainian enterprises.

Microsoft noticed that this campaign is distinct from recent destructive attacks leveraging AprilAxe (ArguePatch) or Foxblade (HermeticWiper) that hit several critical infrastructure organizations in Ukraine over the last two weeks.

MSTIC has not yet attributed the attacks to a known threat group, meantime, it is tracking the campaign as DEV-0960.

Before deploying ransomware in the target networks, the threat actors were observed using the following two remote execution utilities:

  • RemoteExec – a commercially available tool for agentless remote code execution
  • Impacket WMIexec – an open-source script-based solution for remote code execution

MSTIC researchers observed the threat actors using three methods to deploy the Prestige ransomware:

  • Method 1: The ransomware payload is copied to the ADMIN$ share of a remote system, and Impacket is used to remotely create a Windows Scheduled Task on target systems to execute the payload
  • Method 2: The ransomware payload is copied to the ADMIN$ share of a remote system, and Impacket is used to remotely invoke an encoded PowerShell command on target systems to execute the payload
  • Method 3: The ransomware payload is copied to an Active Directory Domain Controller and deployed to systems using the Default Domain Group Policy Object

Once deployed, the Prestige ransomware drops a ransom note named “README.txt” in the root directory of each drive it encrypts.

Prestige uses the CryptoPP C++ library to AES-encrypt each eligible file, to prevent data recovery the ransomware deletes the backup catalog from the system.


5dd1ca0d471dee41eb3ea0b6ea117810f228354fc3b7b47400a812573d40d91dSHA-256Prestige ransomware payload
5fc44c7342b84f50f24758e39c8848b2f0991e8817ef5465844f5f2ff6085a57SHA-256Prestige ransomware payload
6cff0bbd62efe99f381e5cc0c4182b0fb7a9a34e4be9ce68ee6b0d0ea3eee39cSHA-256Prestige ransomware payload
a32bbc5df4195de63ea06feb46cd6b55Import hashUnique PE Import Hash shared by ransomware payloads
C:\Users\Public\READMEFile pathFile path of the ransom note

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