
19 12, 2023

Kinsta Alerts About Phishing Campaign on Google Ads

By | 2023-12-21T07:07:39+05:30 December 19th, 2023|Backdoor, BOTNET, Compromised, cyberattack, Email servers, Evilproxy, Exploitation, hackers, Internet Security, IOC's, malicious cyber actors, Malware, Mobile Security, phishing, Security Advisory, Security Update, Spam|

Kinsta, a leading WordPress hosting provider, has alerted its customers to a troubling cybersecurity development. [...]

19 12, 2023

Qbot malware resurfaces in a new campaign focusing on the hospitality sector.

By | 2023-12-21T07:07:57+05:30 December 19th, 2023|BOTNET, Compromised, cyberattack, Evilproxy, Exploitation, hackers, infostealer, Internet Security, IOC's, malicious cyber actors, Malware, Security Advisory, Security Update|

QakBot malware has re-emerged in phishing campaigns, following a disruption of the botnet by law [...]

18 12, 2023

FortiGuard Releases Security Updates for Critical Vulnerabilities

By | 2024-01-04T07:21:03+05:30 December 18th, 2023|Compromised, cyberattack, Evilproxy, Exploitation, Internet Security, IOC's, malicious cyber actors, Mobile Security, Security Advisory, Security Update|

FortiGuard unveiled security updates on December 12, 2023, to mitigate multiple critical vulnerabilities present in [...]

14 12, 2023

Enhancing Android Security: Google Implements Clang Sanitizers to Safeguard Against Cellular Baseband Vulnerabilities

By | 2023-12-16T07:54:54+05:30 December 14th, 2023|Compromised, cyberattack, Evilproxy, Exploitation, Internet Security, IOC's, malicious cyber actors, Security Advisory, Security Update, vulnerability|

Google Emphasizes Clang Sanitizers in Strengthening Android's Cellular Baseband Security and Mitigating Vulnerabilities What are [...]

12 12, 2023


By | 2023-12-16T07:55:09+05:30 December 12th, 2023|Compromised, cyberattack, Evilproxy, Exploitation, Internet Security, IOC's, malicious cyber actors, Malware, Security Advisory, Security Update|

iOS 17.2 and iPadOS 17.2 have been launched by the company, featuring enhancements that resolve [...]

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