28 11, 2024

Matrix Orchestrates Global DDoS Attack Campaign

By | 2025-01-08T23:35:50+05:30 November 28th, 2024|BOTNET, Compromised, DDOS, Exploitation, Internet Security, Malware, Security Advisory, Security Update|

Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a large-scale DDoS campaign attributed to a threat actor known as [...]

1 10, 2024

GorillaBot reigns as DDoS king with 300,000+ commands

By | 2024-11-05T23:48:47+05:30 October 1st, 2024|BOTNET, Compromised, DDOS, Exploitation, Internet Security, Malware, Security Advisory, Security Update|

The newly emerged Gorilla Botnet has launched over 300,000 DDoS attacks across 100+ countries from [...]

20 11, 2023

MySQL: Servers Targeted by DDoS-as-a-Service, Ddostf

By | 2023-11-20T07:31:10+05:30 November 20th, 2023|BOTNET, Darknet, DDOS, Evilproxy, Exploitation, Internet Security, IOC's, malicious cyber actors, Malware|

Malicious cyber actors exploit MySQL servers through a botnet known as 'Ddostf,' utilizing it as [...]

12 05, 2023

RapperBot Crew Drops DDoS/CryptoJacking Botnet Collab

By | 2023-05-17T20:33:44+05:30 May 12th, 2023|BOTNET, Compromised, Data Breach, DDOS, Exploitation, Internet Security, Malware, Mobile Security, Security Advisory, Security Update, Targeted Attacks|

New samples of it RapperBot botnet malware, reviewed by experts security, they have added cryptomining capabilities to mine cryptocurrency [...]

26 04, 2023

New SLP Vulnerability Could Let Attackers Launch 2200x Powerful DDoS Attacks

By | 2023-04-26T07:19:20+05:30 April 26th, 2023|BOTNET, Compromised, DDOS, Malware, Security Advisory, Security Update, vulnerability|

The Service Location Protocol (SLP) is intended to allow the automated discovery of shared services [...]

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