Google Is Giving VPN Access to Every Google One Subscriber

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Google Is Giving VPN Access to Every Google One Subscriber

Google is announcing more features that are being expanded to include all Google One subscribers. 

What is the new addition ?

The new additions include VPN access for every Google One member, not just those with Pixel devices or Premium plans. The company is also launching a “dark web report” so you can figure out where your sensitive information is circulating.

In December, Google extended the VPN by Google One privilege to Pixel 7 and Pixel 7Pro owners . Now, the VPN feature will be offered to every member who signs up for a Google One subscription plan , in 22 countries

Google VPN is helpful if you need to hop onto the net from another IP. While it doesn’t offer as many customization options as ExpressVPN (which allows users to connect through another country), using it still comes with some drawbacks – like Google tracking your data even when you switch between sites .

As for the dark web report, this is Google’s new way of notifying users if their info has made its way onto the scary parts of the internet. It works similarly to the password check offered through Google Chrome’s Password Manager. It matches the data you provide—you can specify which data—with a global database of leaked information like credit cards and social security numbers.

The Google One subscription originally began as a way to pay for additional cloud storage for things like Photos, Docs and Gmail.Recently, they also made some exclusive pixel features available to all Android and iPhone users who subscribe to their services – this includes the magic eraser through Google Photos feature, an upgraded HDR effect , as well as awesome collage styles.

Try exploring these new features!

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By | 2023-04-12T20:13:28+05:30 March 9th, 2023|Compromised, Internet Security, Mobile Security, Security Advisory, Security Update, Tips|

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