Japan’s Kawasaki Disclosed Data Breach

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Japan’s Kawasaki Disclosed Data Breach

Japanese Aerospace Firm Kawasaki — their data have been stolen following a security breach.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd.

A Japanese public multinational corporation — primarily known as a manufacturer of motorcycles, engines, heavy equipment, aerospace and defense equipment, rolling stock, and ships.

Tokyo, December 28, 2020, announced it was subject to unauthorized access from outside the company.

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Firstly, an internal system audit of the Japan office — on June 11, Identified unauthorized access from an overseas office in Thailand.

And, All communication was stopped between the two sites, Initiated an investigation to determine the scope and target of the intrusion.

However, other unauthorized accesses to servers in Japan from other overseas sites were subsequently discovered,” Kawasaki added.

Indonesia, the Philippines, and the United States — the servers on other overseas sites.

Followingly, on June 11 and July 8 unauthorized connections from overseas offices in Thailand, Indonesia, and the Philippines were discovered.

Also, cutting off all communications between the sites on the above-mentioned offices.

The company conducted a security assessment of roughly 29,000 terminals in Japan and in overseas office networks.

No Further Access:

On October 30, confirmed no further unauthorized access to the Japan office occurred after August.

Because Kawasaki handles important sensitive information such as

  • personal information
  • social infrastructure-related information,
  • information security measures have been a top priority for the company.

However, the unauthorized access in question had been carried out with advanced technology — did not leave a trace.

During the investigation, the data might have been leaked, the company could not determine what information may have been compromised.

However, no personal information was impacted, it said.

Regardless, the company is contacting potentially affected customers.

Kawasaki is still monitoring network communication between its Japanese and overseas offices.

And, its Cyber Security Group is working on strengthening security measures to prevent future breaches.

By | 2020-12-30T17:03:35+05:30 December 30th, 2020|Data Breach, Targeted Attacks|

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FirstHackersNews- Identifies Security

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