SpiceJet hit by Ransomware, Flights services are slowed down.

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SpiceJet hit by Ransomware, Flights services are slowed down.

SpiceJet, an airline service providing air transport services since a long time. It offers various destination flights for its customers.

According to its website, the airline has a fleet of 91 aircraft, out of which 13Max planes and 46older versions of Boeing 737 aircraft.

Last night, (24th of May) the Company claims to have had a ransomware attack and because of this their flight services have been slowed down and their morning departures have been delayed.

The SpiceJet had tweeted, “#ImportantUpdate: Certain SpiceJet systems faced an attempted ransomware attack last night that impacted and slowed down morning flight departures today. Our IT team has contained and rectified the situation and flights are operating normally now.”

But it seems its passengers were experiencing a different scenario. A few hours after the tweet from SpiceJet, several passengers have been boarded and waiting inside the plane for too long.

A passenger complained about the flights operating normally and that they were stuck in the flight for more than three hours with no necessities or updates from the staffs. He also complained that he could neither operate nor cancel the flight.

Some of the passengers, who are physically incapable were also in the plane suffering. And several passengers have been waiting at the airport, stranded without any updates from the Airline.

Since the customers who booked their tickets for their future flight cannot even connect to the customer care, they label their customer care services as an ordeal.

“Certain SpiceJet systems faced an attempted ransomware attack last night that has impacted our flight operations. While our IT team has to a large extent contained and rectified the situation, this has had a cascading effect on our flights leading to delays.” The SpiceJet had responded recently

However there is still no evidence about the threat actors or their motive behind this “attempted ransomware attack”.

By | 2022-05-25T17:52:05+05:30 May 25th, 2022|Compromised, Ransomware, Software Issues|

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FirstHackersNews- Identifies Security

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